Reverse Nodes in K-Group
Given the HEAD
of a linked list, reverse the nodes of the list K
at a time, and return the modified list.
Imagine K
like a group/window or sublist of the whole list. K
is a positive integer which is less than or equal to the length of the Linked List. If the number of nodes is not a multiple of K
then left-out nodes, in the end, should remain as it is. Meaning if K=2
and the number of nodes in the Linked List is 3
then the first 2 nodes will be reversed and last one will be left as it is.
For example: In the given Linked List K=2
, So the First 2 groups (i.e. first 4 nodes) are reversed but Last node remains as it is, because length of this group is less than K
Reversing a Linked List means the HEAD
node will be TAIL
and the TAIL
node will be the HEAD
of the Linked List. Checkout Reverse a Linked List if you've not solved how to reverse a Linked List yet. After reversing the Linked List will look like this bellow.
According to the Diagram, after reversal,
- Kth Node Will be the New HEAD (old tail:
) of the Group - The New Tail (old head:
) must be connect to the next group's head.
To do so, we need to find theKth Node
Finding the Kth Node
To find the Kth Node
, let's assume there was a K Group
of Linked List already reversed before the actual head, like this
node is the TAIL
of the previous K Group
. Let's consider the DUMMY
as the TAIL
node of the previously reversed imaginary K Group
# Definition for singly-linked list.
# class ListNode:
# def __init__(self, val=0, next=None):
# self.val = val
# = next
class Solution:
def reverseKGroup(self, head: Optional[ListNode], k: int) -> Optional[ListNode]:
dummy = ListNode(next=head)
prev_tail = dummy
kth_node = self.getKthNode(prev_tail, k)
Ok so how can we find the Kth Node
? Let's visualize the process first, then we will write the code.
The pointer
is pointing at the DUMMY HEAD
. From here, the pointer
needs K
number of iteration to find the Kth Node
Implement a helper function to find the Kth Node.
def getKthNode(self, pointer: Optional[ListNode], k: int) -> Optional[ListNode]:
while pointer and k > 0:
pointer =
k = k - 1 # decrementing K
return pointer # this is the Kth node of a group
Now we've got the Kth Node
and the Linked List is looking like this bellow,
The prev_tail
is at the DUMMY HEAD
as it was but we have a new pointer kth_node
is pointing at the Tail of the Kth Group.
Now reverse the 1st K group of nodes from [1]->[2] to [2]->[1]
Keep one thing in mind that we will stop reversing when Kth node
. The Kth Node
can only be NULL
when the number of nodes in a K Group is less than K
while True:
kth_node = self.getKthNode(prev_tail)
if not kth_node:
This is our base condition.
Reverse K Group of Nodes
In this section we will reverse a K group of nodes, but before further do, let's take a look at the high level workflow.
To reverse a Linked List, the current node need to be connected to it's previous node instead of it's next node. So must need a curr
and prev
pointer to set
Checkout Reverse a Linked List if you have not done it yet.
Let's take our curr
pointer pointing at the HEAD
and prev
pointer at the Head of the next K Group. Because after reversing, Head of the current K Group will be the Tail and this Tail need to be connected to it's next Group (with the head of the next K Group), basically need to achieve this formation [DUMMY]->[2]->[1]->[3]...
As you can see, node [1] is connected to [3] (head of the next group). We will keep reversing until curr
reaches to the Head of the next group which is next_group_head
The curr
pointer has reached to next_group_head
, so we have reversed all nodes in the current K group. Let's implement this part of the code
def reverseKGroup(self, head: Optional[ListNode], k: int) -> Optional[ListNode]:
dummy = ListNode(next=head)
prev_tail = dummy
while True:
kth_node = self.getKthNode(prev_tail)
if not kth_node:
curr =
next_group_head =
# Tricky part is initalizing the prev pointer.
# we know the current Head node will be the Tail node
# after reversing the nodes in current K Group
# So need to link the current Head (i.e. reversed Tail eventually)
# with the Head of the next K Group to maintain the continuety
prev = next_group_head
# reverse nodes in currnt K group
while curr != next_group_head:
# this part the code is actually trivial.
# taken from reverse linked list problem
curr_next = = prev # establishing link with the prev node
prev = curr # moving prev forward
curr = curr_next # moving curr forward
# all nodes in the K group has reversed. what's next?
Reconcile Head of the K Group
Next part is getting ready for reversing the Next K Group. To do so, we need to shift the Tail of the Previous K Group (i.e. prev_tail
But Look like the prev_tail
is still connected to the old head [1]
which the new tail of the K group. This prev_tail
needs to be linked with the new head [2]
is going to be modified to connect with the new reversed head [2]
and also need to move prev_tail
to the new reversed tail [1]
we have to save the Link from prev-tail
to old_head
in a temporary variable next_prev_tail
next_prev_tail =
Now connect prev_tail
with the new reversed head [2]
(reconciling the dummy head) = kth_node
Finally move the prev-tail
pointer to next_prev_tail
prev_tail = next_prev_tail
Now again find the Kth node
for the Next K group. We will keep finding Kth node
and Reversing
nodes in the K group until the Kth Node is NULL. I'm gonna skip showing diagram for 2nd K Group which will be reversed same as the 1st K group.
2nd K Group also got reversed. Find another Kth Node from the prev_tail
Looks like we have reached at the end, Kth node is NULL means there is no K Sized Group left to be reversed. So, We will return the reversed head of the Linked List which is
Let's write the whole code base altogether.
Complete Code Snippet
class Solution:
def reverseKGroup(self, head: Optional[ListNode], k: int) -> Optional[ListNode]:
dummy = ListNode(next=head)
prev_tail = dummy
while True:
kth_node = self.getKthNode(prev_tail, k)
if not kth_node:
curr =
next_group_head =
# Tricky part is initalizing the prev pointer.
# we know the current Head node will be the Tail node
# after reversing the nodes in current K Group
# So need to link the current Head (i.e. reversed Tail eventually)
# with the Head of the next K Group to maintain the continuety
prev = next_group_head
# reverse the nodes in K group
while curr != next_group_head:
curr_next = = prev
prev = curr
curr = curr_next
# all nodes in the current K group is reversed
# link the prev_tail with the new reversed head
next_prev_tail =
# Kth node initially was the tail which became the reversed HEAD = kth_node
# moving prev_tail to find the next kth node
prev_tail = prev_tail_next
# all of the K groups have been reversed.
Complexity Analysis
Time Complexity: O(N^K) where K is the number of groups. But we can drop constant for complexity analysis. So we can say the Time complexity is O(N)
Space Complexity: Constant, No extra space taken
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