Reverse a Linked List (Recursive)
Given Linked List
Need to reverse the given linked list which will eventually look like this.
Read the problem description for more detail.
Before solving the problem let's think how a Linked List can be reversed. Simple by reversing the connected link, more technically by modifying the .next
pointer. Instead of pointing the next node .next
pointer will point to it's previous node.
The Idea is Starting from the Head
, we will reach at the Last Node (you can say bottom) of the Linked List and start reversing from there. Let's take a variable called revHead
which is going to be the Head of our final Reversed Linked List.
class Solution(object):
def reverseList(self, head: Optional[ListNode]) -> Optional[ListNode]:
revHead = head
What will happen when the function got executed?
So the main
function has called our reverseList
function and it looks like this from the view of call stack
Going into the Depth
As you can see our current Head
is 1
which has a non null node next to it. So we can call reverseList
with the next node of the current Head
like reverseList(
. We can keep doing this until the Head
has Non Null Next Node.
class Solution(object):
def reverseList(self, head: Optional[ListNode]) -> Optional[ListNode]:
revHead = head
revHead = self.reverseList(
Let's visualize the recursion call-stack.
Okey, We just stepped onto the Last Node of the Linked List 3
. So there will be no further recursion
call. Now look at the Actual Linked List once again now.
Pull up Reversed Head and Reverse Nodes Right to Left
We are at the Last Node and the Last Node has no one except NULL
next to it, meaning nothing to reverse. Just connect the Head with NULL
, you will see the reason shortly. Also we will return the revHead
(reversed head) to it's previous call from the call-stack.
class Solution(object):
def reverseList(self, head: Optional[ListNode]) -> Optional[ListNode]:
revHead = head
revHead = self.reverseList(
# reverseList(3) will return here with revHead=3
# so we are at reverseList(2) where
# head = 2
# = 3
# so we need to reverse the link here.
# we will see this process in the visual next
rightNode =
# now rightNode is like 3 -> None = head
# so now the 3 -> 2,
# though node 2 still pointing to node 3, like 3 <- 2
# but that will be fixed in the next like
# fixing the next of current head = None
return revHead
Let's visualize this code
Have you noticed We are updating Reverse Head from it's previous call. It's just to keep track of the Reverse Head in every state, kind off Pulling Up 💪 an Anchor ⚓️ from the deep 🌊 😎
Meanwhile We also done reversing the .next
pointer between the Pairs of Node.
So we can just return the reversed head
to call it done.
Complete Code Snippet
class Solution(object):
def reverseList(self, head: Optional[ListNode]) -> Optional[ListNode]:
# adding a safety check incase the given head itself is null
if not head:
return None
# initializing the reversed head with the head .
# it will be reinitialized by teh current head of every recursion call
revHead = head
# we will keep recursing until we step onto the last node
# recursion call with the next node
revHead = self.reverseList(
# connecting right node with head (left node)
rightNode = = head
# connecting current head (left node) with None = None
return revHead
Complexity Analysis
Time Complexity is O(N) where N is the number of nodes in the Linked List.
The Space Complexity is O(N) since there is N number of calls in the call-stack. Because, the recursion maintains a Call Stack which would take additional O(N) space
So solving Reverse a Linked List in iterative approach is the Optimal Solution for this. Because, that will take only O(N) Time Complexity with no additional space complexity.
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