LRU Cache

Design a data structure that follows the constraints of a Least Recently Used (LRU) cache.

What is LRU Cache

LRU It is an algorithm that is used to manage the memory of a computer system by identifying and discarding the least recently used items in order to free up space for new items.

LRU cache is based on Simple recency-based policies, meaning at the time of caching new item if the cache is out of capacity, it Identifies and Discards that least recently used items first to fit in new item in the cache memory.

The idea behind the LRU algorithm is that items that have been used more recently are more likely to be used again in the near future, so they should be kept in the cache. On the other hand, items that have not been used for a long time are less likely to be used again, and therefore can be removed from the cache to make room for new items.

Suppose the Cache Capacity is 2, meaning the cache can contain only 2 items, not more than that. Like this picture bellow.
Here 10 is the Least Recently Used item and if a new item suppose 3 needs to be cached the LRU item 10 will be removed and 3 will be inserted like this bellow picture.

Problem Statement

We need to Implement the LRUCache class:

The functions get and put must each run in O(1) average time complexity.


To implement LRU Cache we will use 2 Data Structures such as

  1. HashMap (To get item from the cache in O(1) Time)
  2. Linked List (To evict LRU item and put new item in O(1) Time)
    • identifying LRU item in O(1) in a Linked List is simple. It's just the node after the HEAD of the Linked List.
    • Also put or append before TAIL will take O(1) if we use Doubly Linked List

Now you could think, why can't we use Array instead of Linked List, because Linked List is dynamic so we don't need to deal with the index and size rather we have to track Least Recent position which is the HEAD and Most Recent position which is the TAIL node.

Checkout Design a Doubly Linked List if you have not solved it yet. Now let's prepare the basic structure of the Doubly Linked List.

class Node:
	def __init__(self, key: int, val: int):
		self.key = key
		self.val = val
		self.prev = None = None

class DoublyLinkedList:
	def __init__(self):
		# The dummy initialization
		self.head = Node(key=-1, val=-1)
		self.tail = Node(key=-1, val=-1)
		# Linking the dummies together = self.tail
		self.tail.prev = self.head

class LRUCache:
	def __init__(self, capacity: int):
		# initiating the data-structures
		self.list = DoublyLinkedList() = {}
		self.capacity = capacity

The basic structure is ready it's looking like this
Let's implement the functionalities starting with get function

Get From Cache

When an item is requested from cache it will be Looked Up by it's key from the HashMap in O(1). The item also be removed from where it is in the Linked List and put back in Most Recent position. Let's illustrate

Suppose we have a Cache with max capacity 3, and we have requested to Get 8 (get(8)). Our algorithm needs to work like this bellow.

  1. Get the item from HashMap in O(1) time
  2. Move the requested Node from it's current position to the Most Recent position
    Let's code it up
class DoublyLinkedList:
	# previous codes are skipped here
	def remove(self, node: Node):
		prevNode = node.prev
		nextNode =
		# Link prev and next node to unlink the given node = nextNode
		nextNode.prev = prev

	def addAtTail(self, node: Node):
		prevNode = self.tail.prev
		# connet node with the tail = self.tail
		self.tail.prev = node
		# connet node with the prev
		node.prev = prevNode = node

class LRUCache:
	# previous codes are skipped here

	# Helper function will be used further
	def getNode(self, key: int) -> Optional[Node]:
		if key not in
			return None
		# get node from HashMap
		nodeCached =[key]
		# moving it to Most Recent position
		return nodeCached

	def get(self, key: int) -> int:
		nodeCached = self.getNode(key)
		return nodeCached.val if nodeCached else -1

Put into Cache

Let's implement the most crucial functionality of a LRU cache put. Here we need to deal with 2 scenarios.

  1. Item you want to put is already in the cache.
  2. Item is completely new.
    For scenario one, if the given KEY already exists in the HashMap we will just update the NODE VALUE which is pretty simple. Let's code that part real quick
class LRUCache:
	# previous codes are skipped here
	def put(self, key:int, value: int):
		# if the node exists, the node will be moved to Most Recent position
		nodeExisted = self.getNode(key)
		if nodeExisted:
			# updating the node value
			nodeExisted.val = value
			# create a new node with given key value and put it into the cache
			# you may need to evict the LRU node if the cache capacity exceeds

Now for Scenario two, we need to create a new Node and add it to our HashMap for constant lookup. Then the New Node will be appended to at the Tail which is the Most Recent position of the Linked List. Then we need to check the Cache Capacity, the Least Recently Used node will be Evicted if the cache capacity exceeds.

Let's say we are going to add 5 by calling put(key=5, value=5). Let's visualize the process with the given input.
Let's code this part

class LRUCache:
	# previous codes are skipped here
	def put(self, key:int, value: int):
		# previous codes are skipped here
			# create a new node with given key value and put it into the cache
			newNode = Node(key, value)[key] = newNode
			# you may need to evict the LRU node if the cache capacity exceeds
			if len( > self.capacity:

As we can see, after adding the new node the cache capacity got exceeded, so the LRU node (Node after the HEAD position) needs to be evicted from the Linked List as well as from the Map. Let's implement the helper function for eviction.
Let's implement evictLRU function now

class DoublyLinkedList:
	def removeFromHead(self) -> Optional[Node]:
		nodeAfterHead =
		# just a safety check
		if nodeAfterHead == self.tail:
			# nothing to be removed
			return None
		return nodeAfterHead
class LRUCache:
	# Helper Function
	def evictLRU(self):
		nodeRemoved = self.list.removeFromHead()
		if nodeRemoved and nodeRemoved.key in
			# remove key value pair from the map

That's it. Let's write the whole code altogether.

Complete Code Snippet

class Node:
	def __init__(self, key: int, val: int):
		self.key = key
		self.val = val
		self.prev = None = None

class DoublyLinkedList:
	def __init__(self):
		# The dummy initialization
		self.head = Node(key=-1, val=-1)
		self.tail = Node(key=-1, val=-1)
		# Linking the dummies together = self.tail
		self.tail.prev = self.head
	def remove(self, node: Node):
		This function removes Node between Two nodes
		prevNode = node.prev
		nextNode =
		# unlink the given node from the Linked List = nextNode
		nextNode.prev = prevNode

	def addAtTail(self, node: Node):
		This function add the given node before Tail
		prevNode = self.tail.prev
		# link node with tail = self.tail
		self.tail.prev = node
		# link node with previous node
		node.prev = prevNode = node

	def removeFromHead(self) -> Optional[Node]:
		This function removes Node after Head
		nodeAfterHead =
		# safety check
		if nodeAfterHead == self.tail:
			return None
		# removing node after Head
		return nodeAfterHead

class LRUCache:
	def __init__(self, capacity: int):
		# initiating the data-structures
		self.list = DoublyLinkedList() = {}
		self.capacity = capacity

	# Helper Function
	def getNode(self, key: int) -> Optional[Node]:
		if key not in
			return None
		nodeCached =[key]
		# move the cached node to Most Recent position
		return nodeCached

	def get(self, key: int) -> int:
		cachedNode = self.getNode(key)
		return cachedNode.val if cachedNode else -1
	def put(self, key: int, value: int):
		nodeExisted = self.getNode(key)
		if nodeExisted:
			# updating the node value
			nodeExisted.val = value
			self.writeInCache(key, value)
	# Helper Function
	def writeInCache(self, key: int, value: int):
		newNode = Node(key, value)[key] = newNode
		# check cache capacity
		if len( > self.capacity:

	# Helper Function
	def evictLRU(self):
		nodeRemoved = self.list.removeFromHead()
		if nodeRemoved and nodeRemoved.key in
			# removing key value pair from HashMap

Thanks for Stopping by! Happy Leet coding.

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